What do clients say
Each person is unique, his story is unique so with good communication and attention to detail we can reach the desired final results together!

Holly Yeager
"The customer service I received from GTRobert Design was beyond comparison. I started my own LLC after several decades working for other companies and struggled with designing my company logo. But, once GTRobert Design got involved, the creative options and variety were impeccable...I was beyond impressed. We worked on packaging options and no matter the time, I was always treated with utmost importance. I would highly recommend this company!"

Nettie Hines
"I highly recommend G. Tomi Robert for all your graphic design needs. I’m so amazed with the finished product and love how well he listened to my suggestions and created the absolutely perfect design."

"I worked with Robert in several design projects and his work is always professional and fastly executed. I recommend."

Ashley Pettit
"I’ve worked with Robert on several designs and logo. He is a first class designer. He goes above and beyond the design brief. He collaborates with you and also gives you some extra designs to think about. I highly recommend him and will use his services again."

Danilo Ferraro
"He make a logo for my brand and Everything was perfect. Was fast, simple and he did a very good job. We’ll work together again in the future.

Florin Druga
"Robert helped me with the design of the logo for my company. The communication was very good, he perfectly understood what I want and he presented few strong concepts which led to an amazing result. I definitely recommend him for any design project. Thanks Robert!"

Dumitru Andreea Larisa
"GT Robert este un grafician talentat. Este o persoana cu viziune asupra muncii pe care o depune. Este mereu preocupat de ce isi doreste clientul, aflandu-se in permanenta legătură cu acesta. Acordă o deosebită atenție la detalii, livrand produsul perfect. Am colaborat in cadrul mai multor proiecte, pentru ca a înțeles nevoile companiei pe care o reprezint, devenind un partener de încredere. Îi transmit reale felicitari și multă inspirație, în continuare! Recomand serviciile prestate de GTRobert Design!
Un client foarte mulțumit,
Dumitru Andreea-Larisa"

Daniel Cornel
"Servicii profesionale de calitate!"

Andreea Mihaela Ivan
"Am fost onorată să colaborez cu Robert pentru crearea unui logo pentru asociație. E o persoană creativă cu idei de concepte foarte inspirate. Comunicarea cu el a fost una excelentă. Mi-a plăcut că s-a prins imediat de cum îmi doream să fie logo-ul asociației. Mă bucur că am avut încredere în experiența lui, e un adevărat profesionist. Mulțumesc, Robert și mult succes în continuare !!"

Florin Dobre
"It is a pleasure to collaborate with Tomi. He did the logo for my tattoo shop and at the moment he is working on the shop's website. Very happy with the results. Highly professional and easy to work with. Recommend "

Alina Muraru
"Sunt o persoană foarte perfectionista si extrem de nehotarata in tot ce fac.Cand am decis sa imi încep activitatea, efectiv nu stiam de unde sa incep, mi se părea totul o mare de necunoscute...Stiu că universul ne scoate in cale oamenii potriviti in momentul potrivit, asa a aparut si Robert, un perfectionist ca și mine , era ca și cum cineva ma înțelegea perfect tot ceea ce eu îmi doream, a făcut ordine în mintea mea iar ceața a început sa dispară... s-a ocupat de tot, brand, site, logo iar colaborarea noastră continua, ma bucur ca ma pot baza pe el ori de câte ori am nevoie. Pot spune ca sunt foarte mulțumită de serviciile oferite, a știut sa îmi expună în cel mai frumos mod tot ceea ce eu am dorit, si ce nu a știut, s-a informat, iar rezultatul este unul pe măsură. Recomand cu mare încredere, este profi in ceea ce face dar și un om minunat, simplu și cu multă, multă rabdare!"

Adrian Blaj
"Căutarea mea pentru un logo creator a durat aproape 6 luni. Fiind foarte selectiv si pretențios când vine vorba de branding personal, am fost plăcut surprins de metodele lui Robert de a ajunge la rezultatul dorit. Cautam acel "evita moment", Robert a fost singurul care a reușit sa ma convingă. Tocmai de aceea lucram impreuna si pe mai departe pentru celelalte proiecte personale. Recomand cu încredere."

Eden Northstar
"Worked with Robert on a Branding project and I'm very satisfied with the final results. Highly recommend his services."

I. Madalina Georgiana
"Extremely satisfied with both the outcome and customer care I have been provided."

10/10, Robert este un designer talentat, cu experienta, si care livreaza foarte rapid toate materialele. Rundele de feedback le rezolva cu o rapiditate pe care eu rar o intalnesc la alti colegi, si este disponibil in majoritatea timpului oricand. Am lucrat cu el pe o campanie de print, cat si digital. Recomand cu incredere!

Scott Harris
"GTROBERT did a great job with this logo. It was exactly what I was looking for. He even tried a couple revisions, at my request, but I ended up liking this initial version the best. He was really responsive, which was great!"

"Fast, diligent, creative and always willing to help you have the best logo. His replies were immediate and made all scenarios that were requested very fast. Totally recommended."

"Such an awesome designer to work with! Very good and fast communication, ability to take feedback and fast to deliver files. Thank you so much! Highly recommended."

Hyper Ad Media
"Tomi is a very talented and original graphic designer. Creative, responsive and great communication, easy to work with! Well recommended!"

Erick Hunter
"Excellent performance! I appreciate his professionalism and creativity. Obviously he is a talented guy. I just love his work. Highly recommended!"

Alex Conea
"Awesome experience seeing my initial idea taking life and being crafted into the desired final result by GTRobert! Awesome brief interpretation and professional logo design work with an awesome sense of details and perfectionism, trully impressed by the outcome so i highly recommend his logo design services."

"Robert is the BEST LOGO Designer with highly recommended attitude and kindly patient mind to help you build what your business definitely need for you. (Worth me to double my payment to him! Highly Recommended! Thank you very much indeed. Robert!"

Crossfit Maz
"Robert did an exceptional job. He asked good questions, made recommendations, worked fast and had a great attitude. It was a pleasure working with him."

Angel M.
"Loved the work this guy did and the communication was excellent. he'll work with your needs and let me assure you i had plenty. definitely recommend this guy. professional and talented."

Erin K.
"Tomi is an extremely talented designer, and he communicated with me through all of my needs down to the very last detail. A+ service!"

John Bernatz
"Working with Tomi was great! The logo design was exactly what I was looking for. We traded a couple of emails and I sent him some images of things that I liked and within a day I got the logo. It was perfect! Thank you"

Alexa Bts
"Excellent communicator! With a simple brief Tomi curated to logo and aesthetics exceptionally, a reliable person to work with!"

"Logo design was VERY good, my brand message was well conveyed in a simple and modern looking logo. Communication was very easy, I highly recommend this service and look forward to working with him again."

Brian Bower
"What can be said? Extremely professional, committed to excellence, and goes above and beyond. Love working with him!"

Chris G.
"This guy Gtrobert is sooo amazing! I can be a pain in the worst headache ever! Gtrobert was very patient and professional the whole process. He is by far the best graphic designer I have worked with, and I have worked with many. This guy definitely has an amazing set of skills. Gtrobert is the man!"

Tbone Copper
"GTRobert took my vague idea and ran with it. The result was stellar and I'm quite happy with it! Communication over a couple revisions was quick and easy. Will definitely do business with him again!"

Marco Barbosa
"I simply love to work with Tomi. Once again, he demonstrated quality, style, reliability. Thanks again, Tomi, for one more successful piece!! Let rock with this one!!"

"Gtrobert is the real deal...a true professional that produces exceptional and outstanding work. I would recommend him for all types of design work because he is just that talented and will deliver superb quality. Awesome!!!"

Kyle P.
"Gtrobert is great to work with, came up with a better idea than what I could visualize. Virtually no back and forth which is rare. I am a Marketing Exec for a fortune 500 company so impressed that his amazing services were available for so affordable."